Friday, June 1, 2012

Ten Month Journey: Day 1

Wow. I can't believe it's started. I gave myself the month of May (and part of April!) to prepare, and I still feel like I'm not ready. Wow. But here it is, so here I am!

All this week, I've been extremely excited and minimally terrified. Until yesterday. Yesterday excitement went out the door and terror set in. What if I can't do it? What if I throw everything I learn out the window? What if I fail?

I guess I have to remember that with God, all things are possible (insert referenced verse here). I have to remember that God does not let us face any trial we cannot face and He is right there to back us up (insert referenced verse here). I guess most importantly, I have to remember that if I forget to say a Rosary or I just don't say an Angelus one day, as long as my relationship with Our Mother and God is improving, I'm succeeding. As long as I keep going and remember that God's got my back, I cannot fail. As long as I grow closer to Him and to Our Mother I am succeeding.

It's one thing to say "I have to remember" and type it out, and another to put it into action. But I know I got this. Let's do this thing!

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