Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ten Months: September Recap

Where did September go? Where did the year go? Holy starfish. Goodness. Well, tomorrow is a new month. A new adventure. A new virtue.

I could have sworn I was supposed to start the virtue of continual mental prayer tomorrow, but I looked at my schedule to make sure and apparently it's self-discipline. That's good. That's quite alright. Especially because my prayer life has lagged and ceased and diminished this month (probably due to my life being so great. Oh, the irony.), I need to get back into the habits of daily prayer.

September has been great, though. Did I tell you I went to Homecoming? Yeah. I did. Well, what happened was God brought the most amazing young man into my life. I believe, firmly, that I am so lucky to have met him. You will, no doubt, be hearing about him, so rest assured.

And patience? Though not always easy, and not always successful, there were times I made myself slow down and wait. Especially at night and in the mornings. Okay, I was still a grouch, but I just kept thinking, "Patience, patience, patience." over and over, even if I was obviously exhausted and just wanted my sister to get into (or out of!) bed without a fuss.

And I started teaching! I now teach 4th grade at my Church, and I love it! I think my kids like me, too, and I think they're learning, which is most important to me. Today was a bit interesting; I won't go into details, but we'll just say it was kind of stressful, to say the least.

I also assist in the Confirmation class, and have gotten all of the students to spiritually adopt children! A few even adopted more than one! I am so proud of them! They're very excited, too, because they receive letters from their children about twice a month. I delivered the first letters last week, and some of the students were very obviously touched. One girl teared up, and a few others sat silently just rereading their letters over and over until class began.

Oh! And I got nominated for Governor's Honors in French! I found that out last week. I am so excited! I'm going to work on my essays today, and have my application in by Tuesday!

And fall started. My favorite season. Hallelujah!

Yeah. September's been good. Now, perhaps October will be just as wonderful. I just need to get my prayer act back together. Yay for self-discipline!

Enjoy this picture of pretty leaves!

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