Saturday, July 28, 2012

Vacation Synopsis... Mostly

So by the way, because I'm still on vacation I'm using my brand-spanking-new iPod to type so if you see any weird auto corrects that's why.

And yes, I am actually on the first family vacation in about six years. It has definitely been amazing and fun, but I for one am ready to go home.

It started on Sunday with my sweet sixteen. We made a pet rock family, and I named my rock Francois. Although the lad-rock is American, he has an identity-crisis and thinks that he's french.

We also did the "Twinkie challenge", which the ten year old, David, came the closest to winning. And the he threw up.

We left on Monday to my grandparents' house and then went on to the Unicoi Springs camp ground on Tuesday. Out of 24 immediate family members, we were only missing four. Unfortunately that included my dad.

David has taken around three hundred pictures to show him, and I've been emailing him. We've all missed him on this trip.

BUT we did go to the fair and spent lots of money and rode rides and got cartoon drawings ourselves and glitter tattoos and watched pig races and all kinds of fun things.

It's been great to be able to see all of our cousins. Me and the three older cousins did a cover of the song "Hallelujah" from the movie "Shrek". When I get back I'll post it, and perhaps some of the more flattering photos.

On a religious note, I'm very proud of myself for keeping active in my prayer life. The only time I missed something was when I accidentally left the Little Office in my suitcase between Monday night and Tuesday morning. That was it!

We have final fun things planned for today and tomorrow, and then I'll be home! I have greatly enjoyed myself as I know that the rest of my family has, too. But now it's time to go home.

See you soon!

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