Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Becoming A Candle

Multiple times this week I have received very, VERY wonderful praise. It has been definitely been amazing hearing such incredible things from such incredible people. The things that have been said to me I didn't expect.

Basically, this week I have been called "magnificent", "the humble servant", "a girl that not just anyone should be able to be with", "amazing", and "powerful". By FOUR different people. I mean, wow.

It startled me. Here I am, this ordinary girl just trying to become the-best-version-of-herself as Matthew Kelly would say, and suddenly all these extraordinary people are calling ME extraordinary.

They call me amazing, but really I'm not. In reality my God is amazing, and apparently His light is shining through me. I am the candle and my Father is the flame. I am only the food for the flame, and He is the light that expels the dark and shines over all else.

It makes me so impossibly happy to know that people can see my Father through me. My Father is the bomb, guys. I want to share Him with everyone, and I guess I must be doing something right because people can see Him! Silly me is becoming the doorway to the most wonderful Person in the universe.

I'm not trying to sound proud, so I apologize if it's coming out like that. But wow.

I am becoming a candle. I still have far to go, but I am becoming a candle--HIS candle!

A huge thank you I everyone who has been with me and guided me on my path to candle hood!! I love you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just love you. Like seriously. I don't sense a bit of pride in this post whatsoever.

    For so very long now, I've been wanting to share things such as this, but when I write it out, it just comes off as so proud and building ME up, when in all reality, it NEEDS to be all about building HIM, my LORD, my GOD, up. Praise and honor and glory to Him alone. I am the candle, as you put it.

    Two of my favorite analogies (besides the candle one) are: mirrors and glowsticks.

    God shines His light down onto us and we, the mirrors, reflect it onto those around us, who are also mirrors. It just keeps going and going and going.

    Then glowsticks... We are glowsticks. We are the tube, God is the glowing light. He is seen in the darkness. (God revealed this to a friend, and I don't know what all the symbolism and finer details are, but that is the gist of it!)

    God Bless you my dear friend. So very thankful God led me to your bloggie tonight. <3
