Sunday, September 2, 2012

Apparently I've Been 'Tagged'..

I have been tagged for the Eleven Questions game by Miss Clare of Sisters Grimm and must now share 11 things about myself, than answer Clare's 11 questions for me. After that, I'm apparently supposed to tag someone else. Mwahaha. So, here goes!

1.) When people ask me for my middle name, I automatically include Francis since he's my Confirmation saint.
2.) when I get married I plan to make Francis part of my legal name.
3.) when I graduate from high school I'm going to donate my hair again
4.) I bite my nails
5.) I have a very high, physical pain tolerance
6.) I don't wear matching socks. Ever.
7.) I'm already thinking about Lent for next year.
8.) I'm really tired
9.) I have freckles, but like Rapunzel's mother you can't see them unless you're right in front of my face.
10.) My Brown Scapular has Our Lady of Guadalupe on it. Like a boss.
11.) I am now, officially, the 4th grade CCD teacher at my Church and the assistant teacher for the Confirmation class!!!

1.) Why did your parents name you Amy?
Because my dad had taught a number of Amy's before an they were all amazing.

2. Have you ever broken a bone?
Yep! An arm in the 1st grade and a foot (okay a toe!) January 2011

3. Can you give a synopsis for what you are currently writing?
A coming of age journey between Benjamin, a teenage author who mocks God, and the main character of the novel he begins to write.

4. Tumblr or Blogger?
Blogger, but that's a tough one

5. How many concerts have you been to in your life?
Live concerts? Including symphony concerts quite a few, not including, only like 7 lol

6. How did you meet your best friend?


7. What is your favorite word in a language besides English?
Probably the French word for pomegranate: pamplemousse

8. Can you dance?
Yes. Very badly, but I have nothing keeping me from dancing.

9. What's your favorite kind of pie?

10. What is your favorite day of the week?
Sunday's and Tuesdays

11. Favorite TV show?
Gosh, no idea. Probably Doctor Who.

And now, drumroll please...

MEG! You have been chosen! If you wish to be, of course!

1.) green tractors or red tractors?
2.) cooking or baking?
3.) why do you like to cook/bake?
4.) what is your favorite word? English or otherwise
5.) favorite musical instrument?
6.) favorite brand of water?
7.) Favorite song?
8.) least favorite book?
9.) who is your Confirmation saint an why?
10.) if you found a treasure chest that was worth a jillion dollars, what would you do with the money?
11.) sleep in the dark or sleep with light?

Yippee! Good night!

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