Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I heard something, or read it, perhaps, recently, about the stars. I don't remember might have said it or where I might have read it, but I did. And that's what matters.

It said this:

God wants you to look at Him the way you look in awe at the stars in the night sky. 

I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty powerful. I mean legit powerful. Ever noticed how you look at the night sky? At the stars? The moon? Ever wonder why God placed that star right there and why that star is brighter than that one and why some are apart of constellations and some are not? You know that feeling of pure awe and wonder? That admiration of the stars' beautiful simplicity?

Last night, we were taking the very special Nathan home. He asked if we could take a detour to an old park in practically the middle of nowhere. My chaperon, the wonderful Mom, agreed. Nathan took me down a path that led through the woods, and up through the canopy of the trees, lo and behold, were the stars! It was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Definitely the most romantic night ever.

But the stars, gosh. The stars. It was dark and the country and the sky was perfectly clear. They were so bright. I hadn't seen stars like that in a long time. I stood in awe. They were beautiful. They were incomprehensibly beautiful. They were perfect.

If we can look at the stars and be so in awe we cannot speak, what must it be like to see God? How wonderful must He be? How incomprehensibly beautiful and perfect?

He must love us a heck of a lot to give us the stars, because in giving us the stars, He gave us a glimpse of Himself.

I like to put pictures in posts, but I know I will not find a picture that expresses the beauty even close to the real thing. Instead I'm giving you an order (yes, I know. The odd teenager hiding behind her keyboard is ordering her readers about): Go outside tonight (or some night) and look at the stars.

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