Friday, November 2, 2012

Ten Months: November and October

Well, it's November. I can hardly believe it. No, I can't hardly believe it. I really can't believe it. Where did the year go? Next month is Christmas? Just yesterday was October 1st. What is this sorcery? Well, it's here I suppose and that's what counts! It's November, month 6; month of Faith. Good starfish.

October was fun, you guys. I know I didn't post much (okay, not anything), about the self-discipline thing. But trust me, I got up for school on time, have gotten the Little Office back into my schedule, said goodbye to texting and doing homework at the same time, and controlled the intake of Halloween candy! I know.  So hardcore. Not to mention I'm learning how to balance school and family with the very special Nathan. It's been interesting, but I'm learning and balancing everything out!

So now, it's November, the month of Faith. I'm pretty excited, but nervous, too. School's been stressful, as have money, illness, and lack of sleep, but I know that my Mother is here to watch over me, and God has a plan. So that's what this month is about. The constant belief that everything's going to be alright.

Hey, and remember the giraffe? Here's a brief continuation: So, the girl took the boy to Mass for the first time. And he loved it.

God is good.


  1. Hee hee. I took a boy to Mass for the first time last night and he liked it too. Gratia Dei!

  2. I love your blog, Amy. It brings me endless joy.
