Friday, November 16, 2012


Whenever I hear the word "tradition" I always think of the musical "Fiddler on the Roof". I guess because of that song called "Tradition". This has nothing to do with anything, except tradition, so, of course, I had to share it with you.

Thanksgiving is here, and that means that Christmas is practically upon us! I apologize for the lack of activity; there's this thing called school, and though I love it dearly, it often requires 32 hours a day. At any rate, tradition. Thanksgiving always brings tradition to mind because we've been celebrating this for a long time. I've actually taken about a week to mentally put this post together. Be proud. I planned ahead.

Tradition. What makes us special.

1. We always, ALWAYS put up our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving. It's just something we do. I don't know why or when it started, I just know we do.

2. Ever since I was little, if I dropped food and it was retrieved under the 5-second-rule I have always blown on it and kissed it. Just like my nana taught me to do a long time ago.

3. Ever year, once it gets cold (and stays cold!) I get up every morning and check for snow. I have long since given up hope that there will be snow. But I've done this since I was 7 on the one morning that there really was snow.

4. I always put "a horse" somewhere on my Christmas list. I've given up on this one, too, but as long as I can remember it has always been on my Christmas list somewhere. From when I was little, even today at the mere age of 16 it appears.

5. I keep all my letters. This I picked up about 7  or 8 years ago from my Aunt Carol (how I adore her). I have probably about three stuffed shoe boxes now of letters from friends, family, and now colleges!

6. Elfie, the Elf will be returning December 1st. He's what you call an "Elf on a Shelf". Each day he appears somewhere different, but you can't touch him! He's making sure you're being good while Santa finalizes all of his last minute Christmas preparations. He goes back to the North Pole with Santa on Christmas Eve.

7. I always wish upon a star when I see the first star of the night. Even if I don't say the rhyme, I always wish.  Probably because a long time ago I once saw an episode of that Little Bear TV show where he wished upon a star. I picked it up, and here I am wishing on stars, still.

8. Whenever I hear "I don't believe in fairies" I have to clap and say "I do! I do believe in fairies!" like in Peter Pan, the new version (and, might I add, my favorite!).

My mother is telling me it's time for bed. I can't help but agree. But before I depart, remember the giraffe and continuation 1? Well, here's continuation 2: And the girl agreed to see Skyfall with him, and he watched her favorite movie, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, with her. And they had a wonderful time.

Good night! Happy Thanksgiving! And God bless us everyone! (Yes, I know Tiny Tim, is Christmas, but I did say Christmas was upon us, did I not?).

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