Monday, July 16, 2012

Why You Should Go To Adoration

I realized during Adoration today that I've never actually outwardly mentioned Adoration. I was sitting in that beautiful, little Chapel and started wondering why it was I enjoyed Adoration so much. Although a simple list, it's a beautiful list, I think.

Before I go on, if you've never gone to Adoration--GO. It's a fantastic opportunity to be near God and have some one-on-one time. Going on a retreat with lots of other people is an amazing experience, but going alone is beautiful, too. So, GO.

Now. Reasons why Adoration is amazing:

1.) You're close to God.

We're always close to God, because He is always near us. But praying in your bedroom is quite different from praying in front of the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist is not only the highlight of the Mass, it's one of the focuses of the entire Catholic Church! Adoration isn't just "let's adore God" it's to specifically adore the Blessed Sacrament of Communion! Where I live, I'm the only nerd that calls it the Adoration Chapel. It's officially the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. How much closer can you be to Jesus Himself than when partaking in the Eucharist? And then we have this amazing opportunity to go and behold it for... however long!

2.) There's not a right or wrong way to go to Adoration.

In moderation, of course. But in general, in Adoration you can devoutly pray and/or kneel. Or you can just have some talk-with-God time or listen quietly to Christian music with headphones or read the Bible or even sleep! You'd be sleeping in the direct presence of Christ! It might not be comfy physically, but I've personally never felt safer.

3.) If you're alone, you can speak out loud.

Well, technically, you can speak out loud anytime, but unless you're in a large room with very few people, it can be disruptive/distracting. And besides, when you're alone, you're less self-conscious about what you're saying. You can say anything to God already, and saying it out loud seems more real to us humans who feel like we need direct human interaction. Like going to Confession is soothing for the guilty soul because we talk about what we've done wrong, talking to God out loud feels like we're having a human interaction and brings us closer to Him. I love speaking out loud to Him for these reasons. I sound crazy, I know, but for those of you that know what I mean--well, you get it. If you haven't spoken out loud, or are afraid to for various reasons, try it. You won't be disappointed.

4.) It's a good place to just get things out there.

Just talk. God wants you to talk to Him, and what better place to do so than in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament? Go to Adoration when you're lonely or mad or thankful or ecstatic or having a bad day or having an average day. God will be there waiting for you. Not that you can't speak to Him outside of Adoration or somewhere like that, because I'm not saying that. But Adoration is a special place to speak to Him. Going to Adoration and knowing who's there tends to lift people's emotions to a heightened awareness and makes them spill over. Your soul/heart/mind is a sink and life fills that sink to the brim with water, but the drain lets it just go on past you. Adoration plugs up the sink and the sink fills up with water and you have to sort through it and face it. Crying/wanting to cry/almost crying is not uncommon for me in Adoration. Being in front of the Blessed Sacrament is just one of those places where my whole being screams "ALL THE FEELINGS".

Those are just my reasons for loving it, along with the little things like it's quiet and peaceful and stuff like that.  I could sit in Adoration for hours and hours without being bored or wondering what time it was. As I said before, if you haven't gone to Adoration--GO. SOON. Most Church's have it open at least the first Friday of every month, and I've heard of many having it open before Mass or on special feast days and things.

So, what have we learned?

Adoration=Amazing. YES.


  1. Adoration is the bomb. Seriously. I am so in love with Jesus in the Eucharist. Even though I was taught it all when I was 8, I NEVER realized, and fully understood, that Jesus WAS the Eucharist until I was 13, so I've only had 4 years of knowing Him this well and receiving Him so reverently.

  2. I miss my weekly Adoration/Holy Hour! Between work and other "real" life nonsense, I haven't been able to go to my weekly Friday Adoration for over a month. Very saddening. Next week though? I'm very free and I intend to keep it that way! :)
